cat muzzle


Streaming Guideline

English | 日本語

As long as you do not violate the prohibitions listed below, you may freely stream all games planned and produced by cat muzzle, whether for commercial or non-commercial use.

This guideline was last updated.



  • Streaming that constitutes secondary distribution of the material itself, such as music videos, playlists, and video production for the purpose of listening to music, which infringes on the rights of the source provider.
  • Streaming that violates the laws and regulations of each country or the guidelines set by various streaming platforms.
  • Streaming against public order and morals.
  • Streaming with game application by unauthorized acquisition or modification.


Although not required, it would be helpful if you could perform the following.

  • Mention that there are "Spoiler" in the streaming title or summary section.
  • Include the installation URL of the targeted game app in the summary field.


Changes to this Guideline

This guideline may be changed at any time without prior announcement due to change of business contents, revision of laws and regulations etc.


For inquiries about the guideline , we accept it from the “Contact Form” at the web site.